Worth Reading

Ruth 4:18-22

Do you come to our gathered worship service expecting God to speak to you through his Word? We encourage you to prayerfully read through the passage that will be preached prior to the service to help you prepare.

8 Reasons to Preach Through Books of the Bible

This may help you understand why this has been and will be the main practice at Proclamation:

While there’s no need to be dogmatic about this kind of sermon delivery, and while I think taking time for short topical sermon series or strategic “stand-alone” messages can be good and helpful, I do think it is generally wise for a pastor not just to preach expositionally, but to preach expositionally through entire books of the Bible. I think every preacher ought to endeavor to feed his flock this way. And here are eight reasons why:

The Prayers of One Faithful Lady Availeth Much

If reading this leads us all to pray more often and more fervently, it will certainly have been worth your time to read it:

One pastor named John Lessey, upon hearing that Moody was in town, begged him to preach in his pulpit on both Sunday morning and Sunday night. Reluctantly, Moody accepted the request of this pastor of a medium-sized congregation in London. The morning sermon did not go well. The people were not responsive. They were bored and didn’t want to be there. Moody, although disinclined to preach in the evening because of the incredible apathy he witnessed in the morning, decided to go ahead and keep his word. This time it was a whole different story. . .

An Encouragement to Serve Others

How often do we think, “I really should give that person a call,” but then get distracted or sidetracked, or we don’t feel like we have quite the right words to say?