Mark 15:21-47
Do you come to our gathered worship service expecting God to speak to you through his Word? We encourage you to prayerfully read through the passage that will be preached prior to the service to help you prepare.
The Holy Spirit Never “Convicts” Christians
So if the Holy Spirit doesn’t convict us, condemn us, or otherwise put us on guilt trips, what does He do?
Two Vantage Points Become One
In a similar way, Scripture helps us see past the dark times to the coming end-of-days party. Or to put it more accurately, the Spirit swoops in on our earth-bound existence and takes us into the triune God, from whose vantage point all things look very different. Everything changes once our vision is aligned with the Lord’s.
Be not then discouraged, you who discern in yourselves but small measures of grace; look on your wants and imperfections so as to grow in grace, and not to be content with any measure, but look not on the small beginning in grace as discouragement to you. When you see a great oak in a field, you may say this great tree was once but a small acorn…Grace, where it is true, will be growing.