Worth Reading

James 5:13-20

Do you come to our gathered worship service expecting God to speak to you through his Word? We encourage you to prayerfully read through the passage that will be preached prior to the service to help you prepare.


Prayer and Predestination: A Conversation Between Prayerful and Prayerless

Prayerless: I understand that you believe in the providence of God. Is that right?

Prayerful: Yes.

Prayerless: Does that mean you believe, like the Heidelberg Catechism says, that nothing comes about by chance but only by God's design and plan?

Prayerful: Yes, I believe that’s what the Bible teaches.

Prayerless: Then why do you pray?


10 Ways to be Christian This Christmas

But whether you love every nook and cranny about the holidays–or consider most of it “noise, noise, noise!”–there is no excuse to be grinchy and scroogeish. Here are ten ways we can remember to be Christians this Christmas.


Christmas Through the Tears

Tears are not absent during the holidays. In fact, I’ve talked with enough friends and family to know that tears are likely prevalent during Christmas. There’s no doubt a lot of joy and happiness during this time— praise the Lord for the smiles and laughter— but there may also be sadness. And praise the Lord for tears.

This blog was written by Andy Styer