Worth Reading

As we continue this weekly series we remind you that the inclusion of links to various articles does not mean we endorse everything written by the author or even necessarily agree with everything in the linked article, but we do think it's worth reading and thinking about with discernment.

Mark 10:32-52

Do you come to our gathered worship service expecting God to speak to you through his Word? We encourage you to prayerfully read through the passage that will be preached prior to the service to help you prepare.

How Do I Know that God Loves Me?

How do we know God loves us? Because Jesus died for us. Through his sacrifice sin is paid for and God’s wrath against us came to an end. When we are wondering what God thinks of us as his people, when we are in doubt of God’s affection for us, we look back. God’s love is not seen today in our satisfaction in this life, but yesterday in his own satisfaction in his Son. God’s love is best seen, not in a pleasing providence in our lives, but in divine propitiation in the death of Jesus Christ.

When Routines Become Idols

While routines are a good thing, life doesn’t always fall perfectly into place. Life in a fallen world is often unpredictable. Accidents happen, people get sick, someone in the Body of Christ needs us, and sometimes God simply has a better plan for our day. When it comes to our routines, the wisdom of God’s word tells us that “The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps” (Proverbs 16:9). . .

If you find that you cling too tightly to your routines, seek God in repentance. Pray for a heart that desires him above comfort, ease, and predictability. For as Tim Keller wrote, “Jesus must become more beautiful to your imagination, more attractive to your heart, than your idol. That is what will replace your counterfeit gods.”

Let us make our plans and set our routines. But let us hold them loosely and cling instead to our only source of hope and peace, our Savior Jesus Christ.

Putting the Mini in Ministry

Every member, from the youngest to the oldest, is important and needed in the body of Christ, and is gifted by God for the good of the body. Here’s a great list of small things we can all do to make a big difference in our church.