Worth Reading


As we continue this weekly series we remind you that the inclusion of links to various articles does not mean we endorse everything written by the author or even necessarily agree with everything in the linked article, but we do think it's worth reading and thinking about with discernment.

Ephesians 4

The gathered worship for Proclamation will be held at Westminster PCA in Lancaster at 5pm this Sunday, November 1. It is a special, one-time service where we are officially “organized” into a particular congregation of the PCA. We will not have a sermon on the gospel of Mark, but three separate “charges”: to the pastor, to the officers, and to the congregation. Ephesians 4 is a good chapter to read in preparation for this service.

The Church Is Not a Drive-Through Restaurant

This is good for us to be reminded of on the weekend of our particularization service. I thank God for the people of Proclamation who have made many counter-cultural sacrifices in becoming part of this new local body of Christ.

What is Reformation Day?

A single event on a single day changed the world. It was October 31, 1517. . .One of Luther’s 95 Theses simply declares, “The Church’s true treasure is the gospel of Jesus Christ.” That alone is the meaning of Reformation Day. The church had lost sight of the gospel because it had long ago papered over the pages of God’s Word with layer upon layer of tradition. . .What is Reformation Day? It is the day the light of the gospel broke forth out of darkness. It was the day that began the Protestant Reformation.

The Reformation Gave Us A Seat At The Table

Among all the critical rediscoveries during the Reformation, it is easy to overlook the importance of recovering the Lord’s Supper as a covenantal meal (not a re-presenting of Christ’s atoning death) with all the elements (bread and cup) distributed to every believer (no longer withholding the cup from the laity). The Lord’s Supper acts as a family table where we can enjoy fellowship with each other and with our Host, partaking of the rich feast of blessings purchased for us at the cross.

Should Christians Take Part in Halloween Celebrations?

Jesus-loving, Bible-reading, well-meaning Christians disagree about whether it is appropriate for a believer to participate in Halloween activities. . .