Today we start what we hope will be a worthwhile weekly feature. Each Friday we plan to post a few links to material that we believe is worth your time to read. Material that in a variety of ways will help us glorify and enjoy God forever and encourage and equip us as we seek to Praise God, Love People, and Proclaim Christ, all while Praying in the Spirit. (As with the quotes included in our Reflection each week, the inclusion of links to various articles does not mean we endorse everything written by the author or even necessarily agree with everything in the linked article, but we do think it's worth reading and thinking about with discernment.)
Mark 10:17-31
Do you come to our gathered worship service expecting God to speak to you through his Word? We encourage you to prayerfully read through the passage that will be preached prior to the service to help you prepare.
Notecard Answers For Why I Believe the Bible
There are many times when our confidence in the Bible can come under attack… Continue to tutor yourself with the reality that God’s Word is in fact God’s Word. Do this in the good times as well as the difficult times. Keep on studying and delighting in this truth that you might be able to properly deal with doubts both from within and from without.
Reignite Your Prayer Life
Why do so many followers of Jesus suffer with such unsatisfying prayer lives..? Donald Whitney offers one possible solution: Pray the Bible. In other words, slowly read a passage of Scripture and pray about all that comes to mind as you read.
Seven Great and Seven Bad Experiences of First-time Church Guests
If you want to make an immediate difference in your church, read these fourteen brief experiences.